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MyLink Homescreen. Chevy MyLink is the newest technology to come to Chevrolet vehicles and is a hit among customers. Smartphone users love the ability to sync their devices and have their favorites things at their fingertips on their dashboard. CHEVY MYLINK™ INFOTAINMENT SYSTEM: TEEN DRIVER TECHNOLOGY Available with most models, Teen Driver Technology is included with the Chevy MyLink™ system to provide parents with greater peace of mind when their young driver is behind the wheel. The only Chevy models that currently lack Teen Driver Technology are the Trax, Sonic, and Spark. Chevy MyLink ensures teen driver safety features. It is a feature that imparts to the teen drivers good driving habits as a part of the technology. Parents, you can stay peacefully as the technology will take charge of your teen driver driving skills. The features teach your children to stay behind the wheel and to handle the vehicle. 17/02/2011 15/11/2019

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雪佛兰MyLink——基于Linux系统的反面教材. Chevy MyLink:只是用触控屏替代实体收音机. 在介绍了奥迪Q7相当出色的信息娱乐系统之后,我们来看看一款相对没那么好的系统:用在2016款Impala上的Chevy MyLink。 在应用程序的开发人员修复此问题之前,请先使用旧版本。如果你需要回退到myChevrolet较早的版本,请在Uptodown查询程序的历史版本。这里包含该程序所有可从Uptodown下载的历史版本。下载适用于Android的旧版myChevrolet 。 在切换应用程序时不需要更改应用程序连 接,只需“将其指向不同的方向 ” “SOA 让一切变得简单” Bruce Moy — G. James 工程和 IT 主管 28 版权所有 ? 2013,Oracle 和/或其分支机构。 导语:去年的一个早晨,数百万美国人上车去上班,发现他们现在有能力在开车时订购早餐和咖啡。一夜之间,通用汽车下载了一个名为Marketplace的新应用程序,该应用程序在汽车的中心触摸屏中运行。通用汽车的donut订购应用帮助它为无人驾驶的未来做准备。 智能网联汽车技术七大功能介绍及应用盘点-新近较为领先的技术有宝马公司的远程代客停车技术,即待乘客下车之后,自主停车的技术;大众公司的应急辅助系统,该系统能在紧急情况下自动刹停车辆。


15/11/2019 Chevy Mylink Bluetooth Troubleshooting: Silverado Bluetooth Fixing Tips A very common situation faced by all is the C hevy mylink Bluetooth troubleshooting, which looks easy but is otherwise. A lot of reasons can be behind the fact that Bluetooth frequently disconnects with Chevrolet cars. Chevy Safety Assist: Automatic Emergency Braking, Lane Keep Assist with Lane Departure Warning, Forward Collision Alert, Front Pedestrian Braking, Following Distance Indicator and IntelliBeam. Read the vehicle Owner’s Manual for more important feature limitations and information. Updating Chevy MyLink Software. There’s no need to fuss over your car’s electronic system to get Chevy MyLink on the latest update. In fact, all you need to do to get the latest Chevrolet Mylink software update is turn on your vehicle! When a new MyLink update is available, your car will automatically fetch and install the program.

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MyLink手機應用程式為您提供豐富的生活資訊,以及可即時處理您的 新增MyLink消息中心,讓客戶可以更快更準的接收到所有業務功能訊息; 电视/智能电视 · 应用程序/操作系统 · 应用程序/操作系统 Les dernieres actualités. 最新影片. CES 2013 : Chevrolet MyLink Entertainement System. 宣传 

05/03/2019 18/09/2018 1 product rating - 2014-2016 CHEVY IMPALA MyLink RADIO CONTROL PANEL W/ DISPLAY SCREEN 23193948. C $302.48. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. Was: Previous Price C $328.79

该应用可安装在安卓系统的手机中,通过应用可以引导用户进行连接,使得通用汽车旗下雪佛兰品牌的MY LINK 2.1系统车机实现手机与车机的  Use Chevy MyLink to connect your smart phone to your Chevrolet vehicle and have the power of your car's technology right at your fingertips. 雪佛兰的MyLink信息娱乐和连接系统和7英寸彩色触摸屏为park的技术心脏注入了生命 雪佛兰(Chevy)Spark是汽车制造商车队中获得先进技术处理的最小车辆。 要访问Pandora或Stitcher,您首先必须在智能手机上安装应用程序。 App Store或通过Google Play Store购买并将其下载到他们的智能手机。

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