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YouTube作为全球最热门的视频分享网站之一,其覆盖人群非常的广泛,用户可以在该网站上分享和观看自己喜欢的电影、游戏视频等等。但是YouTube官方不提供下载网站内容的途径,如果您想要离线观看,就需要借助专门的视频下载器去保存内容。下面这篇文章将会推荐给大家5款非常简单实用的YouTube 安装此浏览器扩展后,视频边上会出现下载按钮。在观看视频时点击即可将Youtube视频下载到本地。 Andriod用户可以在这里下载与安装我们的Youtube视频下载应用 这里. 从Youtube下载喜欢的视频、歌曲,保存在手机或电脑上。快来试试吧! Download YouTube Video to PC in MP4, MKV, FLV, and MP3 Formats. Most of the websites store their videos in commonly seen formats, such as MP4, MKV and FLV, and music in MP3 files. 史上最简便视频下载器! 在macOS,PC或Linux系统下载YouTube或其它网站视频与音频文件,完全免费! 77EEF0E5-0BD5-4389-9FED-3A516652DCFC Just copy the YouTube video URL from, then paste it in our converter and click „Convert”. Then the conversion will start and it should finish in just a few minutes. Then the conversion will start and it should finish in just a few minutes. In order to use our tool to download and convert youtube videos to mp4, users do not have to be computer geeks. It is a really user-friendly converter and any user will be able to convert a video from Youtube into mp4 format and at high-quality resolution. Take your chance now and see it for yourself. To insert a video URL is all that you need!

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