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有时因为无法播放视频,有些可能是视频文件损坏,但一般都是视频格式比较特殊,播放器不支持某种视频格式的编码所以才无法播放。比如非常少见的ogv格式。ogv视频html5中的一种ogg容器视频格式,且不受专利保护,而且可以纳入音效、视讯、文字字幕的处理。 OGV Energy is the leading engagement platform for the energy sector, focused on delivering industry news, events, digital media and recruitment solutions. It is our mission to facilitate improved engagement and communication for the Energy sector through utilising our multiple platforms. Our printed publications comprise of OGV magazine and OGV Jobs newspaper. OGV - Ogg Video . Format introduction: OGV file is video file that uses the Xiph.Org's open source Ogg container format; may contain video streams that use one or more different codecs, such as Theora. ogv是html5中的一个名为Ogg Theora的视频格式,起源于ogg容器格式。

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